June 4, 2016JUN
My Dad, My Hero
Disney was beautiful that night. The castle was lit up;there must have been a...
June 2, 2016JUN
Honoring Mom
"Many nights, mom was late picking me up and I'd sit in a corner and weep until...
April 25, 2016APR
Elgin’s Message
Thanks for visiting my website. I hope that you find the words encouraging,...
June 4, 2015JUN
At The Crossroads
Have you ever been at a crossroads in life and didn't know in which direction to...
March 3, 2015MAR
Book Excerpt
It’s been several years since daddy passed. But I thank God everyday for the...
January 30, 2015JAN
Motivational Speaking
Elgin is an accomplished speaker who brings an inspirational and motivational...
January 8, 2015JAN
The Beginning
Night fall was rapidly approaching as I began my ascent to the mountain peak of...